Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Autumn Winter 2010

Just seen on the Kickers facebook page what they've got lined up for a/w 10. Perhaps a bit to late on the lace up boot? But need to find myself a small child in time to dress them in these adorable boots!


The feet behind the beat

DJ Mosus and an amzing pair of Reebok basketball pumps

Goldie DrumnBass legend with his Adidas Concord Trainers

DJ Friction with Adidas Superstar Vulcan trainers

Dubsteps Skream with AdidasZx7000's

Alix Perez and Van Chukka trainers


Spring Summer 2010

These new arrivals on the KICKERS website are really cute for spring/summer 10!


Fancy Foot Work

Chromeo and Kickers!

Love it


Monday, 22 February 2010

Kickers adverts.

I love these Kickers adverts from the 80s/90s!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Kickers on Facebook

Just some handy links to Kickers on Facebook:
Official Kickers Facebook page
FMB Kickers blogs/pages:
Kickers To The Kerb
Kickers Trend Tracking
Kickers Uni Project (WeTrackTrends)
TheTripleStitch -KICK back and watch this Trend
Uni Trend Tracking
New Kicks on the Block
Kick Start


Adidas has announced plans to produce 1 euro trainers for millions of consumers who would otherwise be unable to afford shoes. Pilot production is planned to begin this year in Bangladesh, with the final design yet to be confirmed.

The new trend for 'simple, small and cheap products' appealing to all is explained in trendwatching.com's February 2010 trend briefing